Regenstauf Schnauzers and Kerry Blue Terriers 

Photo Album

Welcome to our photo album.
Here is a sample of photos from our collection that we hope you enjoy.

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Ch Stallfurt Courtesan (Imp UK)
Regenstauf Revel In Glory
Can be seen strutting his stuff in the Show Rings of the South Island New Zealand
Ch Stallfurt Courtesan (Imp Uk)
"Greta" 9 weeks(I love my new home)

"Ruby" 11 weeks
Ch Regenstauf Right Back At Ya
time for Schnauzer baby play time

I know my friends are out there somewhere
Hey are you coming to play or not??
hello person looking me
MBIG AUST & NZ CH Regenstauf Talk O'The Town (Lein)
Ch Regenstauf Broadcast News photo taken at age 6 mnths
Regenstauf Home Again To Stallfurt (Ellie)(Photo at 4mnths of age)
MBIG AUST & NZ CH Regenstauf Funtime Fantasy (Lyric) relaxing on "HER" couch

MBIG CH Foxdale Entrepreneur -Taylor
MBIS & MBIG AUST & NZ CH Regenstauf Broadcast News
Ch Regenstauf Broadcast News awarded BIS (The Line Up)
Ch Regentauf Funtime Fantasy "Lyric"
MBIG Ch Foxdale Entrepreneur "taylor"
Grossbotwar Blarney (9 months old & son of Aust Ch Regenstauf Lord of the Rings (Imp NZ)- Tiffany Handled at 2008 Sydney Royal to win Res Dog CC and Puppy of breed over an excellent line up of dogs
Emmylou playing with friend at the beach


Contact Details
Tiffany Ninnes
Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]

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